Masahiro Negishi


Contact: negishi-masahiro1110[at]

A second-year master’s student at SYI Lab of the University of Tokyo. Current research interests include:

  • explainable AI
  • disentangled representation learning
  • graph representation learning
  • AI for Climate Change, including creating environmentally friendly materials for batteries or buildings, and detecting illegal deforestation utilizing remote sensing, among other things

I love reading SF. I highly recommend “The Three-Body Problem” by Cixin Liu (and his other works are also unquestionably masterpieces). When reading SF, the best drink is tea, especially I love fruit tea. Lately, I have been really into working out and jogging.


latest posts

Nov 20, 2023 Responsible AI
Oct 16, 2023 Overview of Generative Models
Oct 16, 2023 EM algorithm